World Environment Day is an opportunity to assess the extent to which we, as individuals, companies or industries, impact our world each day. Today, let’s take a moment to re-think aspects of our daily life, such as one-use plastic, excessive energy consumption, or choosing not to recycle. There are endless possibilities for us to begin improving the environment and its sustainability, and we have to start now.
The transportation and logistics industry is always exploring new avenues that could enhance our practices and lessen our carbon footprint. At such a pivotal point in time, our planet needs our commitment now more than ever. Erb Transport constantly strives to make a positive environmental impact, and here’s how:
- Instead of using diesel fuel, we now operate with auxiliary power units which are battery operated. These batteries charge while the truck is driving, and provide the driver with 8-10 consecutive hours of air conditioning or heat (whichever is required).
- Our anti-idle practice; if the battery power is, for any reason, too low, they immediately begin self-charging.
- We prioritize fuel economy, and strive to conserve fuel whenever possible. We have fuel economy packages that come with our trucks, which enable us to release less emission into the environment.
- Our transmissions are now computerized and our trucks are, primarily, no longer manual. There are roughly eight computers in each truck, and our transmissions and engines are able to talk to each other. This ensures that the truck is always in the correct gear to give the driver the best performance and fuel economy.
Striving to be a leader in eco-friendly practices, we are proud of our initiatives thus far. We are, however, never satisfied. Regardless of past practices, we are continuously given opportunities to move forward and be environmentally conscious. It is never too late to start taking steps towards a sustainable planet.