November 13 is World Kindness Day. On this day, we strive to make the world a better place by practicing and promoting good deeds. As individuals or organizations, each of us has the power to create positivity and spread kindness. So to celebrate World Kindness Day, we put together a list of things that you can do to put a smile on someone’s face.
1. Call a family member or a friend
Whether it is your parents, relatives or your friend who you have not seen in a while, give them a call to let them know that you care. Ask them how their week is going. A small gesture can come a long way and make someone’s day.
2. Buy a stranger a coffee
Being kind and giving back has always been a true Canadian value. Therefore, this World Kindness Day, pay it forward by picking up a stranger’s drive-thru order at your local coffee shop. You never know what someone is going through. A little kindness can lift them out of their darkest times.
3. Donate your winter coats
Winter is here. For some people, that means cozying up in a blanket and sipping on hot chocolate. However, there are many who can’t afford cold-weather; many who are walking in the freezing cold without a jacket or even shoes on their feet. If you have the means, drop off your old winter coats, scarves or mittens at your local shelter and clothing bank.
4. Help your neighbour shovel snow
Check in with your neighbour to see if they are doing OK with the snow. Some seniors or people with disabilities can struggle with meeting the city’s requirements when it comes to shoveling snow. If you have a neighbour in need, lend a helping hand by volunteering to shovel snow for them. Organize a local shovel team and help out around the neighbourhood.
5. Volunteer your time
There are many local non-profit organizations that are doing great things to enrich our community and tackle our problems. If you cannot support them with monetary donations, volunteer your time to help them achieve their mission. A few suggestions are The Food Bank, Mary’s Place, and House of Friendship, or The Humane Society.
6. Donate toys and children’s books
If your kids have outgrown their toys, don’t throw them out! Research your options for donating toys. You can drop them off at hospitals, preschools and nurseries, or donate them to charities like the Salvation Army. Make sure you avoid giving broken toys or items with missing pieces and look into the institution’s guidelines for toy donations.
7. Cook someone a meal
This may seem simple but it would be a nice way to show appreciation for that special someone in your life. Plan a dinner with your mom, or your best friend who you don’t always get to see. Little moments like these will be unforgettable for that person.
8. Support your co-worker who is going through a tough time
If you have a colleague who is going through a tough time, go out of your way to let them know that you are there to support them. Whether it is picking up a task for them, offering a listening ear or checking in to see how they are, your co-worker will be sure to appreciate it.
9. Be kind to yourself
When we talk about “kindness,” we all think about kindness to others. Sometimes it takes a reminder for us to remember to be kind to ourselves. If you’ve had a stressful week, it is OK to take a break, even when you feel like you can’t afford it. In this crazy busy world, it is important to hit pause once in a while and show yourself some love.
How are you spreading kindness today (and every day)? Let us know in the comments below.