The most recent edition of our bi-annual employee newsletter, The Erban Report, is here! With features discussing the ongoing celebration of our 60th anniversary, a few special throwback photos, and the launch of our new mission statement, you won’t be able to put it down. Not only do we reminisce on the past 60 years, but also on the past 6 months since our last edition. We’ve had a lot of fun over the last 6 months! Whether it’s organizing a gingerbread house decorating contest, a Halloween dress-up day, or a Thanksgiving food drive, we can always count on our employees to get creative and bring some fun into the workplace.
The newsletter features articles written by our executive team members, and articles written by representatives from each of our terminals. We highlight drivers who have gone above and beyond for strangers while on the road, and celebrate our employees for their continual support. As a company that has drivers working remotely and terminals spread throughout the country, The Erban Report is a newsletter designed to bring our employees, regardless of location, together. The newsletter funnels content and information into one easy-access channel, ensuring that not only can our office staff can view it on their computers or in the lunchroom, but it can also be taken on the road with our drivers.
We are all working toward the same goal, with the same purpose. Our commitment to being a large company with a small company feel still stands. We strive, each and every day, to bring food to your family’s table.
To view this Erban Report, click here