
Oct 24 2018

· 2 min

Each year, Erb Transport partners with Trucks for Change and Habitat for Humanity in Waterloo Region to organize a Home Build visit for our employees, along with other company teams in the area. Five select Erb employees are chosen to visit the Home Build site for one day and assist with the planning and construction of this new residential structure. Our employees were sent to the Kehl Street build site, which broke ground 2013. When completed, it will be home to over 50 hard-working families, many of whom have already moved in and began to live their dreams. This will be Habitat for Humanity Waterloo’s largest project to date.

La Habitat for Humanity Waterloo Region (HabitatWR) builds safe, affordable and decent homes for those in need in our community. They keep costs low by using only donated materials, volunteer labour, and their ReStore revenue to cover 100% of all administrative costs.

This experience makes a significant impact on residents in our community et on the Erb employees who are able to participate.  Tim Rabak, an Erb employee who attended the build this year, commented that “it’s a fantastic experience; it was great to have a chance to meet new people and spend time with people you [already] know. It was awesome working on the build site, helping out the community, and knowing that our efforts are helping a family in need”.

Diane, another participant, only had positive reviews to give when she finished her day at the site. “What a great opportunity to give back to our community, I definitely used muscles that are not used in my regular day job!  It was a great group of people to work with.  The Habitat for Humanity organization is doing great work; the houses we were building are really nice”.

Hearing such positive feedback from our employees reassures us that these team building and community outreach initiatives make a significant impact on everyone involved. We are so grateful to have such generous employees, and to be involved in something as impactful as these Home Builds.