The Erban Report is Here! 35th Special Edition

It's that time of the year again! The 35th special edition of our bi-annual employee newsletter, The Erban Report, is here. At The Erb Group of Companies, we release a report twice a year to connect the community of employees we serve throughout our terminals and celebrate the achievements we've conquered together throughout the season. 


This summer edition aims to share industry perspectives from our senior leadership team. It highlights the many opportunities we've had to display the positive conversations, changes and corporate initiatives The Erb Group has been part of. 


This edition is particularly special because it includes a snapshot of the rich history behind The Erban Report. This report features a collection of cartoons from the past, corporate tales and interactive elements.


With that being said, our President and CEO Wendell leaves us with this quote. "I would like to thank everyone for staying resilient and being solutions-driven. We are thankful to be working in a niche market within the supply chain that offers our employees job security." Bringing food to your family's table is what we do best, and we hope this past year reflects how devoted we are to getting the job done.  


Pour consulter l’infolettre The Erban Report en ligne, Click here

Avez-vous quelque chose à faire publier dans l’infolettre The Erban Report? Pour courir la chance d’apparaître sur la couverture de cette infolettre ou de faire l’objet d’un article dans le prochain numéro, veuillez envoyer vos photos à!

Curious about some of our past issues? Read our Winter 2022 Volume Issue 36 Issue 1, Winter 2021 Volume 35 Issue 1, or Summer 2021 Volume 35 Issue 2.

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