While we try to stay positive by listening to music about spreading holiday cheer, this holiday season will be quite different for all of us. With COVID-19 disrupting holiday gatherings and traditions, we need to get creative and find ways to be optimistic, but also realistic.  Here are a few ways to help you stay positive this holiday season: REFRAME THE HOLIDAY First and foremost, know and accept that this year the holidays will be different. It will not be the picture-perfect moments we are used to celebrating. Changing our expectations will help with the unnecessary stress and pressure that we put on ourselves to make the holiday “perfect.” Although we will miss the traditional gatherings and dinners together, remember that it will not be like this forever.  GO FOR A STROLL If you are missing friends and family, meet outside for a physically distanced stroll through the park. There are plenty of light displays to check out while sipping on hot cocoa and catching up.  VIDEO CHAT We are social beings and we need to interact with others. This pandemic has taught us to adapt to our situation and utilize technology. Set up a video chat with your loved ones for dinner or while the kids are unwrapping presents. If you want to share the moments with someone who is not tech savvy, take photos and develop them or create a memory book to present them.  SHOW KINDNESS AND GIVE BACK When we give back it fuels our happiness as well as the happiness of those who need help. Consider donating to a charity or food bank in your area or prepare some meals to share with others. You can also show kindness by expressing your gratitude to others, sending a card, or making a phone call. We underestimate the power that a simple phone call can make for someone who really needs to hear a friendly voice.  REACH OUT AND GET HELP Remember to prioritize your mental health and well-being this holiday season. There are resources available that can help you manage your moods and support self-care. If you do not have an employee assistance program offered through your workplace, there are many other free resources available to help. If you are struggling, remember you are not alone and the “holiday blues” are real. It is okay to not be okay. Do your best and celebrate your successes, no matter how small. For a list of mental health resources click ici. Even though this year’s holiday season will not look like it has in the past, we can still make it merry and bright. Remember to show kindness, have patience, and have hope. Don’t let the challenges of this year steal your holiday joy. There is light at the end of the tunnel, and we will all get through this together.  Happy Holidays!   How will you stay positive this holiday season? Share your tips in the comments.
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