Maintain a healthy mind on the road

Erb Transport is proud to employ some of the best truck drivers in the industry, and no, we aren’t bias; they really are the best! Often times, our drivers are spending days, even weeks, away from home. The appreciation we have for them is unmatched. Now, we’ve previously blogged about maintaining a healthy body while on the road, but a healthy mind is just as important! Preserving a positive outlook on life is what it’s all about.   Although truck driving is one of the best career’s out there, it is true that any job can get overwhelming at times. These tools are for you to use on and off the road, to keep that positive outlook going.  
  1. Make someone’s day. Whether it’s paying for someone’s coffee, complimenting someone’s clothes, or sending an old friend a nice message; it is always appreciated.  When was the last time someone paid for your coffee and you didn’t spend the next hour in a great mood? Never! The little things can make the biggest difference. Know that you’re making every city you stop in just a little bit nicer.
  1. Call home. Never underestimate the power of family! Small talk with your loved ones can make all the difference in the world. Plus, sometimes it’s good to have a venting session in between long-hauls!
  1. Set up a vacation (or maybe a stay-cation). Say no more, right? This one is fairly self-explanatory. Vacations are a great opportunity to de-stress, refresh, and spend quality time with your friends and family. Now, if a tropical vacation didn’t quite make it into the budget for 2018, plan a weekend away somewhere close to home! Great company and delicious food is all you need to feel refreshed for the next workweek.
  1. Change it up! When you aren’t on the road, make the most of your time at home. Experiment or try something that you haven’t done before. Finally use that recipe book that’s been collecting dust in your basement, or go for a hike somewhere off the grid! Then, use your driving time to decide what you’ll do next week.
  1. Become a tourist. Truck driving can often mean driving through hundreds of towns, sometimes all across Canada. This is an experience that not many people get. Try everything! Go to the coffee shops you haven’t tried, or the restaurant’s you’ve never went in. Take pictures, stop and smell the roses, and see what you’ve been missing! Take advantage of your travels and make your stops a little more enjoyable.
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